Show #301
Can Anyone Fly a Plane?
Stars- Dave, Bruce, Kevin, Scott
Recurring Characters- n/a
In short- Flight attendants burst into restaurant.
Man Boobs 
Stars- Dave, Scott
Recurring Characters- Danny Husk
In short- Man asks if he's always had breasts, or are they new.
Blame for Blue Jays Loss 
Stars- Kevin, Mark
Recurring Characters- Bigot Cabbie
In short- Cabbie blames "certain people."
Strip Club 
Stars- Dave, Bruce, Kevin, Mark, Scott
Recurring Characters- Chicken Lady, Bearded Lady, Emcee
In Short- The freaks attend a strip show with Rooster Boy.
Road Rage
Stars- Kevin, Mark, Scott
Recurring Characters- Bigot Cabbie, Psycho Cabbie
In Short- Cabbie shoots other cars, delivers a package, and picks up other fares.
Withstanding Blatant Abuse
Stars- Bruce, Mark
Recurring Characters- Cops
In short- He didn't interfere because he though they knew each other.
Celebrity Encounters 
Stars- Dave, Kevin
Recurring Characters- n/a
In short- They discuss Mickey Rooney and small "C" celebrities.
My Pen! 
Stars- Dave, Bruce, Kevin, Mark, Scott
Recurring Characters- Psycho Cabbie
In short- A bank teller lost the pen he does his work with.
Story of a Dead Guy
Stars- Mark, Scott
Recurring Characters- Cops
In short- They discuss a film about a murder, while guarding a dead body.
Stars- Kevin, Scott
Recurring Characters- Danny Husk, Danny's Wife
In short- Danny Husk wants his wife to pay his nipples more attention.
Contributors to this Page
Transcripts- Trista Lycosky, Erin Houlihan, Dexy, Andrew Greenberg, Mandy Sockett
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