Show #211
I Don't Think He Has the Report
Stars- Bruce, Kevin, Mark
Recurring Characters- n/a
In short- Man coughs up the report in a business meeting.
Hypnosis 1 
Stars- Dave, Kevin, Mark
Recurring Characters- Sir Simon Milligan, Hecubus
In short- They attempt to hypnotize Tony Henderson.
Mr. Heavyfoot Runs a Marathon
Stars- Dave
Recurring Characters- Mr. Heavyfoot aka M. Piedlourde
In short- Mr. Heavyfoot finishes a year late.
Jazz Schmazz 
Stars- Bruce
Recurring Characters- n/a
In Short- He hates jazz.
Hypnosis 2 
Stars- Dave, Kevin, Mark
Recurring Characters- Sir Simon Milligan, Hecubus
In Short- They call Tony Henderson at work.
Touch Paul Bellini Winner
Stars- Mark
Recurring Characters- Bellini
In short- Announcement of the Touch Paul Bellini contest winner.
The Affair 
Stars- Bruce, Kevin, Mark, Scott
Recurring Characters- Darrill
In short- Story of the secret affair.
Mr. Heavyfoot Test Drives a Car
Stars- Dave
Recurring Characters- Mr. Heavyfoot aka M. Piedlourde
In short- Mr. Heavyfoot drives fast.
The Kafuffle 
Stars- Mark, Scott
Recurring Characters- Buddy Cole, The Queen, Prince Edward
In short- Buddy and the Queen's correspondence.
Contributors to this Page
Transcripts- Trista Lycosky, Robyn Scholes, Kay Flores
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