Show #106
Thirty Helens Agree
Stars- n/a
Recurring Characters- Helens
In short- Tattoos aren't for everyone.
Apathetic Robbery
Stars- Dave, Kevin, Scott
Recurring Characters- Apathetic Cop
In short- A thief is driven into a homicidal frenzy.
Running Faggot
Stars- Dave, Bruce, Kevin, Mark, Scott
Recurring Characters- Gunfighter
In short- A song about a folk hero.
Twenty-nine Helens Agree
Stars- n/a
Recurring Characters- Helens
In Short- Promptness is important.
How Businessmen Relax
Stars- Dave, Bruce, Kevin, Scott
Recurring Characters- n/a
In Short- Tense businessmen go to the gym to relax.
Truck Owner
Stars- Mark
Recurring Characters- Bobby's father
In short- How Bobby's father built his empire.
Stray Businessman
Stars- Dave, Bruce, Kevin, Mark, Scott
Recurring Characters- n/a
In short- Kid brings home a stray businessman.
Contributors to this Page
Transcripts- Trista Lycosky, Matt Morrision, M. Howie,
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