Season Four (1993)
Episode Pages | Episode Guide | Images
Episode Pages
Each episode from the fourth season has its own page. On the pages are information, links to transcripts, and perhaps other media. Click an episode number to visit its page.
401 | 402 | 403 | 404 | 405 | 406 | 407 | 408 | 409 | 410
411 | 412 | 413 | 414 | 415 | 416 | 417 | 418 | 419 | 420
Episode Guide
Reprinted below is an episode guide for season four as it appeared in the old FAQ. (Only change: added episode numbers which link to episode pages.) It is reprinted here to be used to help find the skit or show you are interested in; then you can click the episode page.
This episode guide is not authored or updated by There are some mistakes and omissions, all of which should be fixed on the accompanying episode page.
If you need help reading this guide, see the help page. Also, many people helped in the creation of the old FAQ, thank you to them all.
Cameraman Ted Riley Memorial (DSM)(4): a memorial (Channel 7 News Team, Nena?)
The Dog for Whom I Feel Nothing (B)(4): man has a loveless relatioship with his dog (Terrier)
Whores (SDBM)(4): (Whores, Police Department)
Pitiful Mechanic (KM)(4): the really pitiful dumb mechanic (Tucker)
Spider on the Face (KD)(4): man wakes up with a giant spider on his face
Whores (SD)(4): (Whores)
Whores (SD)(4): (Whores)
Hyper Business Executive (BK)(4): the hyper businessman has heart problems
Cabbie Delivers Rush-Hour Baby (all)(4): cabbie delivers rush-hour baby
Street Fight -- Parents Watching (BDM)(4): Sid in a street fight (Fight Pickers)
Cathy & Kathie & the New Girl (SB)(4): Cathy and Kathie gossip about the new girl (Cathy, Kathie)
Street Fight -- Confusion (BDK)(4): Sid in a street fight (Fight Pickers)
Darryl on a Date -- the Oompah Band (MKD)(4): Darryl explains that he sees an Oompah Band in his head (Darryl)
Street Fight -- Unfair Fight (BD)(4): Sid in a street fight (Fight Pickers)
Buddy -- Virtual Reality (S)(4): Buddy explores VR (Buddy)
Cyril St. John the Escapist (DKSM)(4): the story of Cyril St. John
Hardboiled NY Rednecks (MK)(4): is it a bear or a deer? (Rednecks)
Fiore Parfums Commercial (S)(4): commercial of Fiore Parfums (Francesca Fiore)
Whores (SK)(4): "Are you holding out on me?" (Maudre, Rudy)
The Fantasy Sexual Indescretion (BKM)(4): woman who has sexual fantasies reveals it to her boyfriend
I'm Turning Assistant into a Rat (DMK)(4): the man who is turning his assistant into a rat
Whores (DSK)(4): turning tricks for asthma medication (Whores, Rudy)
Phil from the Warehouse with the Pains in his Head (MSB)(4): Phil pesters a man in a shoe store
Whores (SK)(4): John Wayne imitation (Maudre, Rudy)
The "Will Do" Guy in Prison (KDM)(4): Dean in prison (Dean, Lex)
Governor's Wrong Number (DS)(4): the governor calls a wrong number at a crucial moment
Spot Bellini Contest (all+P)(4): Bruce explains the rules (Paul Bellini)
The Fight Pickers (BD)(4): they take on a biker and his goldfish (Fight Pickers)
Pit of Ultimate Darkness -- Multiple Personalities (KD)(4): Hecubus and his multiple personalities (Pit of Ultimate Darkness)
The Fight Pickers (BD)(4): they take on two guys in suits (Fight Pickers)
The Sandwich People (B)(4): Bruce talks about various sad peoples
Meeting of the Ontario Dental Association (SK)(4): A man's contact lenses keep bothering him (Danny Husk)
Bauer at Kyle's (SKDP)(4): Kyle is surprised to find Bauer making himself at home, and Bellini appears (Bauer, Paul Bellini)
7 at 11 News - Weatherman is Not God (DSM)(4): the weatherman is not God (Channel 7 News, Nena)
Emergency Room Joker (DMBS)(4): A seriously injured patient takes time out for a few gags
Donovan responds to Scott's ad (S)(4): A man responds to Scott's personal ad
Out of Body Experience (all)(4): Myra Ketchell's family has Thanksgiving dinner and her husband offers her the neck (Myra)
Sex Girl Patrol (all)(4): an apparently Jamaican director introduces his "very sexist" new film (Preacher Character)
So says you! (KD)(4): A man tells his wife he has amnesia and a fear of death
Can I Turn on the Radio? (MK)(4): guy's singing bothers his buddy (Rednecks)
Becoming a Booster (B)(4): Kathie describes how she became a Blue Jays fan (Kathie)
The Losers (MB)(4): they do competition beer bottle tossing into their kitchen sink (The Losers)
Traveling Blade Sharpener (DK)(4): Ax Murderer needs blade sharpened during a murder (Ax Murderer)
Times Are Changing (SDB)(4): Fran learns about salsa, peanut sauce and meals in a pill (Fran, Gordon and Brian)
The Losers (MB)(4): they do competition rubber ball bouncing into their bathtub (The Losers)
Forced Date (all)(4): two people are forcibly introduced to each other
What Am I Doing (KB)(4): married man dreams of affair with his maid
The Losers (BM)(4): fire in the apartment (The Losers)
Sarcastic Conversation Baiter (KD)(4): Man baits another man with sarcasm at a party
Chicken Lady Visits Her Old House (all)(4): Chicken Lady visits the house she grew up in (Chicken Lady, Bearded Lady, Tucker)
He's 45 (B)(4): cool guy fires assistant (He's 45)
Bad Doctor -- Confusing Names (DS)(4): doctor confuses Banning/Manning/Fanning (Doctor)
Seven Things to Do Today (KD)(4): the strage guy with a list of things to do (Thug)
He's 45 (BM)(4): cool guy looks for a new employee (He's 45)
He's 45 (B)(4): cool guy hires a new employee (He's 45)
Fran & Judy the New Widow (SDB)(4): Fran comforts Judy the new widow (Fran, Gordon, Judy)
Whores (SDK)(4): "I meant to say yes!" (Whores)
Gavin -- Door-to-Door Missionaries (BMDK)(4): Gavin is visited by door-to-door religious missionaries (Gavin, Gavin's Father)
Car Stalled (SK)(4): car is stalled -- "Try it now." (Danny Husk)
Dull since the Heart Attack (BM)(4): the men who have been dull since the heart attack
Whores (SDM)(4): nervous guy and the sock puppet (Whores)
Kevin's Family and Airport Movies Series (KS)(4): similarities, coincidence?
My God They Can Read My Thoughts (KDS)(4): man is stunned to discover fellow businessmen can read his "thoughts"
Awkward Thanksgiving (MKBD)(4): the awkward family Thankgiving dinner with the brother at home
Chalet 2000* (all+P)(4): episode-long sketch has the Queen avoiding scandal by seeking out Buddy (Buddy, The Queen, Francois, Jacques, Terrier, Santa)
Michael the Incompetent Receptionist (BD)(4): Michael can't remember things
Pit of Ultimate Darkness -- Employee-Employer Exchange (KD)(4): Simon Milligan and Hecubus switch jobs (Pit of Ultimate Darkness)
Police Department (MB)(4): 9:42 a.m. Cherry Beach - grilling the gullible rookie (Police Department)
Psychic Delivery Service (KMSD)(4): old women taken advantage of by psychics
Police Department (MB)(4): 10:53 a.m. Cherry Beach - more of the gullible rookie (Police Department)
Making Answering Machine Messages (KB)(4): couple tries to make their answering machine message
Police Department (MB)(4): 3:51 p.m. Cherry Beach - rookie and the dead body (Police Department)
Mr. Tisane and the Trial (all)(4): Francesca Fiore is put on trial (Mr. Tisane, Francesca Fiore, Bruno Puntz Jones)
What a Best Friend Is (B)(4): man describes what a best friend is
Anal-Probing Aliens (DKM)(4): anal-probing aliens question their work (Tucker)
I'm a Good Worker Now (DBM)(4): man tries to get his old job back
Whores (SD) (4): Discussing plastic surgery (Whores)
Rod Torfulson's Armada (BMK) (4): Discuss throwing out the guitarist (Armada)
Do Re Mi Song (all)(4): the Kids sing "Do, a Deer" (Terrier)
Dear Guy I Clotheslined (D)(4): an apology to the guy Dave clotheslined
Whores (SDB)(4): (Whores)
Parents who Find their Son's Pot (MSDK)(4): parents find their son's pot (Nena, Nena's Husband)
Lucky Lobster (DKM)(4): the promotion is in the bag
There's a Fine Line Between 1 (B)(4): fine line between nice guy and...
Sudelmans (MBS)(4): the Sudelmans negotiate (Sudelmans)
Ted's Church of the Very Bright Lights (KDM)(4): Ted's follower has doubts
There's a Fine Line Between 2 (S)(4): fine line between confidence and...
In the Old Days/Buddy's Bar (MS)(4): in the old days, the men knew who the men were... (Buddy)
Lackluster Incompetent Cop (MK)(4): the lackluster cop investigats a burglary (Apathetic Cop)
Warrior-Within Weekend (all)(4): Danny Husk goes on a men-only retreat (Danny Husk, A.T. & Love Boss)
Police Department (MB)(4): 5:57 p.m. Cherry Beach - sound a fridge makes (Police Department)
Sid & Sharisse and the Pizza Guy (BMK)(4): Sid threatens the pizza shop employee (Sid, Sharisse)
Police Department
Ed the Fraud Businessman (DMKJ)(4): the businessman who thinks he will be revealed a fraud
The Whores and Rudy (SDK)(4): "Shut up!" (Whores, Rudy)
Mark's "Fan" Mail -- the Secret of Nudity (M)(4): Mark reads his fan mail and reveals the secret
Police Department (MB)(4): 3:38 p.m. Cherry Beach - vacation pix (Police Department)
Tarzan the Businessman (DKB)(4): Tarzan in the business world (Chris Belamy)
Detective Peter Prince -- the Kitty Case (KSMD)(4): Kitty is missing
Inexperienced Cannibal on Trial (DKS)(4): the inexperienced cannibal's trial
Santa Claus Visits Childless Couple (all)(4): Santa Claus visits (Santa)
Spot Bellini Contest Winner (BP)(4): Breakfast with Bellini (Paul Bellini)
Wrong Number -- What Have you Done with Frank? (KD)(4): man who got wrong number demands to know what happened to Frank
Tammy Video -- Ain't Gonna Spread for No Roses (BM)(4): Tammy shows off her new video (Tammy)
My Art! (KB)(4): man borrows another man's art to show his girlfriend
The Flirt (BD)(4): the guy who flirts with another man's wife in front of him
Awkward Talk with Father in the Hospital (all)(4): man doesn't want to hear his son say "I love you" (Doctor, Don)
Police Department (MB)(4): 1:20 p.m. Cherry Beach - got a puck (Police Department)
The Junkie on a Date (KM)(4): the heroin junkie explains his situation
The Scared Airline Pilot (SDB)(4): airline pilot hides from his crew
Police Department (MB)(4): 11:05 a.m. Cherry Beach - preparing for undercover work (Police Department)
Melanie goes Rollerblading (DMK)(4): Melanie meets someone while rollerblading (Melanie)
Sausages (BSMK)(4): bizarre, surreal sketch about a man in a sausage factory
Cathy and Kathie (SKBD)(4): They withstand some company restructuring and share jobs (Cathy, Kathie)
The Voices (B)(4): Bruce describes the torment
Steps* -- Hot (DSK)(4): guy-watching and saying "hot" (Steps)
Chad's 13th Birthday (BK)(4): His dad initiates him into manhood in the family tradition
Cheap, Crappy Art (BM)(4): the cheap cheezy art collection (Shirling Guy)
Steps* -- Gay Marriage (DSK)(4): discussing gay marriage (Steps)
#417 (incorrectly listed in faq as a season 5 episode)
Janitor Retires (DM)(5): janitor retires from a school
Marriage Denial (KB)(5): man repeatedly denies being married
Francesca in Yugoslavia (asdf)(5): Francesca & Bruno make movie in Yugoslavia (Francesca Fiore, Bruno Puntz Jones)
Police Department (BM)(5) Police Department (BM)(5)
Let the Flirting Begin (all)(5): guys flirt with new woman in office
No-Chocolate Diet (D)(5): man repeatedly swears off chocolate.
Whores (SD)(4): "Are you a transvestite?" (Whores)
Darryl on a Date -- Mozart (MB)(4): Darryl gushes about Mozart (Darryl)
Whores (SD)(4): TV's Alice (Whores)
Fireman Wannabe (DKM)(4): the man who decided to be a fireman
Buddy at the Cemetary (S)(4): Buddy remembers a friend (Buddy)
Steven the Stupid Drunk (BK)(4): man talks on phone with Steven the stupid drunk
Whores and Rudy (SDK)(4): Rudy drives a cab (Whores, Rudy)
Kevin Uses His Celebrity -- Should I? (K)(4): Kevin debates whether or not to use his fame
Bike Courier Working on Two Hours Sleep (B)(4): tribute narrated by Bruce
White Filipino Boy (SD)(4): man talks to a white Philipino shoe-shiner boy
I'm Charging You (BM)(4): Sid & Sharisse fight outside an opera house (Sid, Sharisse)
The Architect & the Atrium (KDM)(4): architect demands an atrium
Drunk Chick from Winnepeg (B)(4): tribute narrated by Bruce
Politically Correct Art Class (DSB)(4): art class rebels against politically incorrect art professor
He's Just a Hopeless Romantic (B)(4): tribute narrated by Bruce
Bob the Angelic Sexual Surrogate (KSD)(4): Bob acts as sexual surrogate for a couple
Bigot Cabbie -- Chinaman (SM)(4): the Bigot cabbie hassles a "chinaman" (Bigot Cabbie)
Gezbo the Video-Selling Clown (BM)(4): the Money Momentum Guys sell videos in a hospital (Money Momentum Guys)
Police Department (MB)(4): 8:48 a.m. Cherry Beach - suspicious guy in the neighborhood (Police Department)
The Whores & Rudy & the High School Diploma (KSDM)(4): The Whores help Rudy study for his high school diploma (Whores, Rudy)
Stupid Affair Attempt (KDS)(4): woman makes an idiotic attempt at an affair
Pickle Nightmare (DK)(4): one man's pickle nightmare
Christine and Raj Switch Tables/Bigot Cabbie (SM)(4): Christine and Raj try sitting at a different table (Raj, Christine, Bigot Cabbie)
#421 (Compilation Episode)
Fiore Parfums Commercial (S)(4): commercial for Fiore Parfums (Francesca Fiore)
Seven Things to Do Today (KD)(4): weird guy tries to accomplish his list of seven things to do (Thug)
Cheap, Crappy Art (BM)(4): the cheap cheezy art collection (Shirling Guy)
The Dog for Whom I Feel Nothing (B)(4): man has a loveless relatioship with his dog (Terrier)
Cyril St. John the Escapist (DKSM)(4): the story of Cyril St. John
Steps* -- Gay Marriage (DSK)(4): discussing gay marriage (Steps)
#422 (Compilation Episode)
Inexperienced Cannibal on Trial (DKS)(4): the inexperienced cannibal's trial
Car Stalled (SK)(4): car is stalled -- "Try it now." (Danny Husk)
Do Re Mi Song (all)(4): the Kids sing "Do, a Deer" (Terrier)
Anal-Probing Aliens (DKM)(4): anal-probing aliens question their work (Tucker)
Whores (DS)(4)
Making Answering Machine Messages (KB)(4): couple tries to make their answering machine message
Chicken Lady Visits Her Old House (all)(4): Chicken Lady visits the house she grew up in (Chicken Lady, Bearded Lady, Tucker)



Contributors to this Page
Images- Trista Lycosky Episode Guide- The original FAQ