Show #506
Cruisin for a Brusin 1
Stars- Dave, Scott
Recurring Characters- n/a
In short- A guy in a bar wants to start a fight.
Stars- Bruce, Mark, Scott
Recurring Characters- Weston Esterhazy, Virgil
In short- During high school lunch, the guys talk about Burt Reynolds' thing.
Mad With Power
Stars- Dave, Kevin, Mark
Recurring Characters- n/a
In short- Joel goes mad with his moderate amount of power.
Sick About Crime
Stars- Dave
Recurring Characters- n/a
In Short- A cop who's been around still gets sick about crime.
Laundromat Business Opportunities
Stars- Bruce, Mark
Recurring Characters- n/a
In Short- Are they trying to buy dirty underwear?
Cruisin for a Brusin 2
Stars- Kevin, Scott
Recurring Characters- n/a
In Short- If he knew what a craw was, he'd tell you what was up it.
Bath Party and Crawl
Stars- Bruce, Kevin, Mark
Recurring Characters- n/a
In short- The search of humanity...goes on.
Cruisin for a Brusin 3
Stars- Mark, Scott
Recurring Characters- n/a
In short- He wonders what's wrong, why can't he get in a fight?
Shoveling Coal
Stars- Bruce, Mark
Recurring Characters- n/a
In short- They shovel coal in the darkness. In the silence. In the sadness.
Contributors to this Page
Transcripts- Matt Morrison, Trista Lycosky,
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