Show #302
Stars- Scott
Recurring Characters- n/a
In short- Just a man dressing his best to get the paper.
Sleepwalking Boy Steals Dad's Money 
Stars- Dave, Bruce, Scott
Recurring Characters- Brian, Gordon, Fran
In short- Brian pretends to be sleepwalking.
Puppy Won't Do Tricks 
Stars- Dave, Kevin
Recurring Characters- n/a
In short- Guy tries to train his useless dog.
Relationship Section 
Stars- Dave, Bruce, Kevin
Recurring Characters- n/a
In Short- Couples sits in relationship section of restaurant.
Painting with the Inner Child 
Stars- Mark
Recurring Characters- Darrill
In Short- All great paintings have an element of tragedy.
Stars- Bruce, Scott
Recurring Characters- Gordon, Fran
In short- Gordon talks in his sleep.
Girl Drink Drunk 
Stars- Dave, Kevin
Recurring Characters- n/a
In short- It tastes like candy.
Contributors to this Page
Transcripts- Dave Zubradt, Sarah Jane Bodell, an anonymous donor
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